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The personal rantings of an avowed Conservative, Linux-loving Christian .



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.::.:.::...::: Up,Up,Dn,Dn ver. 2.0 :::...::.:.::.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004


If you've come here looking for new content at any time in the last month or so, I'm sorry to disappoint. I plum forgot to update this page with my new & improved stomping grounds.


Literal Barrage!

Head over there for my up-to-date bloggings.

Where does the name come from? During the invasion of Iraq, BBC reporters near-daily referred to "literal barrage"s of American firepower. Prounounce it "litt-rull bear-rajj" in order to get the full BBC effect. A friend and I thought it might make a great website name, and, et voila!

So, the upshot is, Up Up Down Down is no more. I've imported all the UUDD posts into my new blogging software, so all should be well.

See you there!

posted by ZaMoose at 3/09/2004 01:59:00 PM