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The personal rantings of an avowed Conservative, Linux-loving Christian .

Up,Up,Dn,Dn ver. 2.0 :::...::.:.::.
Thursday, October 23, 2003
The Onion: Forgot to Bring Tha Funny
I guess there was considerable mourning in The Onion's offices when news of Schwarzenegger's electoral victory reached their ears. What else could explain their thinly-veiled character assasination piece of the Governator?
I guess the staff needed to be given a break from the long, arduous task of being funny and instead granted an opportunity for some partisan sniping.
Then again, what can you expect from Wisconsonites, eh?
posted by ZaMoose at 10/23/2003 06:14:00 PM
I don't think it's physically possible for the new Fedora Beta to kick any more butt than it does. RedHat 8.0 was a step in the right direction, RH9 was almost there.
Fedora 1.0 is going to rock.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/23/2003 06:06:00 PM
Useful Advice of the Day
If you plan on attending a premier of Mel Gibson's Passion of Jesus Christ, I would avoid standing next to Jim Caviezel.
Just a tip.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/23/2003 06:02:00 PM
Take Your Blood Pressure Meds First
This makes me physically ill: Did I Violate the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban?
The smugness, the clinical "precision" of this article and the barely contained excitement that this monster uses to describe the taking of a human life is beyond contemptible. It is vile beyond description. Perhaps Mr. Hern would have liked working for the Nazi eugenics program? He could have written with glee about the glorious effects of different poison gasses on subhuman Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals.
I need to get ahold of myself here, but I'm so pissed I can barely speak.
Seems like a lot of people in the comments section agree with me.
The callous inhumanity with which some people seem to view unborn children is apalling.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/23/2003 05:53:00 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Note to McDonald's: you sell food, not image. I'm sorry to say, but carrying a Mickey D's bag down the street just doesn't sport the caché of, say, wearing Air Jordans.
In other words, fire your ad man, cause "I'm [hatin'] it."
posted by ZaMoose at 10/22/2003 03:48:00 PM
Monday, October 20, 2003
I Bet It Was...
Don't know if I should be finding this as humorous as I do, but here goes:
A convicted child molestor (Kevin Kinder) was beaten into an uncoscious state by a former victim of his when he was placed in a holding cell with the former victim.
And here's the best quote from the story:
The former victim's mother called the encounter a "fluke" but added that it was very "therapeutic" for her son.
"Theraputic." Yup. I bet it was.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/20/2003 10:47:00 AM
Friday, October 17, 2003
Then again, maybe not...
Perhaps all of this John Street business really is just about wanton corruption.
Hey, either way, if Street goes down, in court or on Election Day, I'll be extremely happy.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/17/2003 09:43:00 AM
Friday, October 10, 2003
Just heard Rush Limbaugh cop to being addicted to painkillers live, on-air. Checked Drudge and he had it posted w/quotes within 30 seconds.
Now that's wickedly efficient.
Of course, since Drudge has the butt-ugliest website I've ever seen, I'll have to dock him half a point for it.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/10/2003 02:59:00 PM
Street Investigation Tied To DHS Activity?
I was reading this story on the wiretapping/bugging of Philadelphia mayor John Street's office and happened across this paragraph:
One of the FBI raids focused on Keystone Information & Financial Services, a Mount Airy business that was awarded a contract in 2002 that netted $60,600 from the city for collection of taxes.
The FBI also searched the Cheltenham home of an executive of the business, Imam Shamsud-din Ali, according to a law enforcement official.
(emphasis mine).
Post-Sept. 11, whenever I see an Arabic-sounding name mentioned in connection with any sort of financing schemes, my terrorism alarm goes off, so I decided to investigate a little further.
From this article, it would appear that Imam Ali is a Black Muslim and leader of the Philadelphia Masjid. Newsmax has a story quoting Imam Ali thusly:
Crawley's coalition included Charles Bowser who Fulford described as a local Philadelphia politician and Imam Shamsud-Din Ali, "who, a month after the September 11th attacks, was leading a panel discussion called 'Shattering the Peace: Understanding the Roots of the Sept. 11 Attacks.' He's a spokesman for a Black Muslim organization called the Majlis Ash-Shura [Council of Wise Men], which has objected to the use of the term 'Muslim' to describe the Muslim terrorists of 9/11."
(Fulford's original story is available here.)
It appears as if the Imam is also on the board of trustees of the Philadelphia prison system. He was a part of Street's transition team (under "Quality of Life") It looks like he campaigned heavily for Street as well.
Now, none of this adds up to a whole heck of a lot, but it does set off the alarm bells. Could one of Street's cronies be involved in terrorist-funding operations? I'm going to keep my eyes and ears open for more info on this as it surfaces. We should know more as the extent of the FBI's investigation becomes known.
posted by ZaMoose at 10/10/2003 11:56:00 AM